Everyone Famous Has to Look Like Somebody Else.

So I was watching Boardwalk Empire, which I pretty much only have fantastic things to say about. I love historical dramas. And I love it when HBO does historical dramas because they always do them so well. And then who doesn’t like gangsters? And since I like tacky things I always sort of imagined I’d like Atlantic City. Though… I’ve never been there.

Anyway, this actress:

She played a prostitute who was shacking up with Michael Pitt’s character until he got her face slashed. And then was addicted to laudanum.

I thought she looked really familiar even though I’d never heard of Emily Meade before. And since I’m an obsessive Googler I looked her up. What I discovered was a lot of people saying she looked like other people. Like Gina Gerson, Christina Ricci, Mary Louise Parker, one of the Top Models, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Leighton Meester. Personally, I don’t really see it. The resemblance I see is this:

Especially in the show. I sort of wished I could have found a photo of Emily Meade in Boardwalk Empire, where her hair is twenties style so I could have compared her to Hannah Murray as Cassie in Skins, but it was not to be. Anyway, you can still see the resemblance. Come on now, squint! Anyway, I see it.

About Lindsay

I have a C'est Moi page, you should probably just read that.
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10 Responses to Everyone Famous Has to Look Like Somebody Else.

  1. Greg256 says:

    No need to squint- I was totally convinced it was her. My partner had to check IMDb to convince me otherwise. Good to know it’s not just me!

  2. What a nice post. I really love reading these types or articles. I can?t wait to see what others have to say.

  3. New to Boardwalk Empire says:

    After watching Skins and then Atlantic Boardwalk I thought I thought they were the same person which is how I ended up here on this website.

  4. Dudu says:

    The same for me

  5. flaab says:

    Nice Article! I thought so, too 🙂

  6. theasceticlibertine says:

    Completely agree. (In fact, I thought it was Hannah Murray until I looked it up on IMDB.) And Michael Stuhlbarg looks like a cross between Joaquin Phoenix and Carlos Dengler. 🙂 Michael Pitt *was* the poor man’s Leo DiCaprio, except after BE I find him way more compelling.

  7. C says:

    Same for me!!!! I really thought there was a strong resemblance. Funny how many more thought the same. I think its in her manner as well as looks……

  8. Liz says:

    I thought they were the same person too!!! Craster’s wife and Pearl!

  9. Sam says:

    Yep I thought she was Gilly from GoT when watching Boardwalk Empire for the first time. Since then I’ve seen Emily on the Leftovers and some weird movie with Goop Paltrow. They look very similar! Emily is prettier though.

  10. Dark Lord says:

    I thought her to be Hannah Murray when I first saw nerve, couldn’t believe it until I googled her up….!!!

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